What's up Shining Otaku, where Manga Burns Brightly!
If you're passionate about Manga, Anime, and all things within the comics industry, you're in the right place! We create in-depth Manga-inspired comics which can be referred to as OEL( Original English Language) Manga from a diverse amalgam of creators from across the globe. We also discover talent and seek to teach aspiring creatives to cultivate their talent within the industry of comics supported by a team that houses over 30 years of experience. Our goal is to tell stories and publish works that come from the heart and break the cliches of modern storytelling. Join us for in-depth interviews, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and more as we explore the rich tapestry of manga and anime culture. Subscribe now and become part of our community of passionate manga lovers. Join Shining Otaku as the go-to destination for all things manga! Remember, where there's passion, there's light. Welcome to Shining Otaku, only together can we burn brightly! 🌟

S1 EP10: Morgan Kollin (CEO of Youmacon)
Shining Spotlight: Morgan Kollin founder of Youmacon Shining Spotlight: Interview with Morgan Kollin the founder of "Youmacon". Posted by Shining Otaku Comics on Saturday, July 1, 2017 Youmacon is the largest Japanese Pop culture convention in Michigan as well as one of the fastest growing in North America. Sitting close to the heart of […]

S1 EP9: Natalia Batista Interview ( Creator of Mjau)
Shining Spotlight: Natalia Batista the creator of Mjao interview Come join us and ask questions!—-Let's make a supernova everyone!#shiningotaku #Comics #Manga #Shiningspotlight #Mjao Posted by Shining Otaku Comics on Saturday, August 5, 2017 Selling over 10,000 copies across Europe! Mjao has now been announced to be selling over in America. We sit down with […]

S1 EP8: Whyt Manga Interview (Creator of Apple Black)
Shining Spotlight (Full): Interview with Whyt Manga creator of… Oh my grits and gravy! The live stream video for our interview with Whyt Manga only uploaded halfway. Luckily we have the full version saved through OBS Studio! Posted by Shining Otaku Comics on Sunday, May 28, 2017 Here’s an interview you don’t wanna miss. […]

S1 EP7: Michael Winn Interview (The ARMSMasters Project)
EP 8 Shining Spotlight: Michael Winn (The ARMSmasters Project) Looking for a new anime to watch? Well if you enjoy a story where magic and science power the world, "ARMSmasters" should be right up your alley!In this interview, Michael Winn goes in-depth with the upcoming anime and working in the animation industry.#ARMSmasters #Animation #Manga […]

S1 EP6: Larry Williams ( Creator of YT’s Otaku Assemble)
EP 6 Shining Spotlight: Otaku ASSEMBLE Host Larry If you missed saturdays broadcast, we interviewed none other than "Larry Williams" from the popular Youtube channel "Otaku Assemble". Famous for reviewing, television shows, anime, film, and comics, you can always be sure he'll on top of it. Did we mention he's also a comic book […]

S1 EP5: Shaun Barrow Interview (Creator of R:IL Persona)
Shining Spotlight: Shaun Barrow Interview (R:ILPersona) If you missed it live, now is your chance to catch it! The R:IL Persona interview with Shaun Barrow. #ShiningSpotlight #Manga #Anime #Webcomics #Comics #Graphicnovel Posted by Shining Otaku Comics on Thursday, March 2, 2017 If you missed it live, now is your chance to catch it! See […]

S1 EP 4: Ogawa Burukku Interview ( Creator of FaLLEN)
EP 4: Shining Spotlight: Ogawa Burukku( FaLLEN) Loved doing this interview! Ogawa discusses her inspirations for "FaLLEN" and the "truth" behind working inside the manga industry in Japan! Check out her work: http://ogawaburukku.com/fallen/eng/main.html#.WJbB5_krK70Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FaLLEN_comicAlmost at 3K! Thank You so much to all of you guys! ———-Only Together Can We Burn Brightly———#Manga #Fallen […]

S1 EP3: The Elite Ace Interview ( YT Anime and Gaming Personality)
EP3 Shining Spotlight : The Elite Ace Interview ( YT Anime/Gam… Here's the interview with The Elite Ace where we talk, Gundam, Ni-Oh, and upcoming news to his channelWe held the stream around 2pm EST this time due to a time constraintNormal times are @ 7pm EST EVERY SATURDAY!The Elite Ace: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheEliteaceThanks again from […]
Welcome to Shining Otaku!
Shining Otaku Comics L.L.C. serves to publish the best manga content in the world in terms of passion, structure, and effort depicted through the synchronization of artwork and story-building. We strive to not only connect the community of awesome fans of manga and the authors who provide interesting stories, but also to reach out to various people who only portray manga as material for “children” or content that “revolves around few genres” so that all mangas may have a greater chance at being recognized worldwide as masterpieces. We provide multiple genres of works done by various authors whether they are newcomers or professionals. Shining Otaku Comics essential purpose is to be a sanctuary where MANGA BURNS BRIGHTLY!!!